Pentagon denies Rumsfeld authorized downing plane
This morning, the Washington Ghost cited anonymous accounts by federal officials that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (not anonymous) had given authorization to shoot down the Cessna aircraft that caused widespread evacuations in the Capitol on May 11. The Pentagon said that it is not so.
WASHINGTON (Rooters) - The Pentagon said on Wednesday Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld did not authorize the military to shoot down a small plane that prompted evacuations of Washington power centers on May 11.
Bryan Whitman, a Pentagon spokesman, (not anonymous) said Rumsfeld gave no such authorization. and added:
"I don't know how they got it so wrong."
Maybe someone could give Mr. Whitman a clue. Like, Consider the Source!
I must be only the 6,432 x 106 person to come to the concusion that the words anonymous, sole, confidential and reliable sources create a very dark glass indeed: one through which we now see the stark difference in credibility between a huge, often secretive military establishment and the Free Press.
Who ya gonna call?