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Michael Fitch

You asked "Whaddya expect from a regime with a Supreme Leader and a State Expediency Council?" I expect reports like this, "Bush's pre-election denunciations seemed to do the same. Iranian authorities claim Bush energized undecided voters to go to the polls and undercut a boycott drive led by liberal dissidents opposed to the Islamic system." Oh wait, that was an AP story, I just couldn't tell the difference. That's what you get.


Ow! Good jab, Michael.

Thank you, Mr. Kurtz, for the link. They have sentenced a journalist to 91 days for "insulting" those "people."

These people do not have the least grasp of the freedom they are squandering. My only hope is in the young men and women in uniform today, and bloggers! lol. Not that we are the same, but we can carry the message. Thank you.

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