This morning, my thoughts are turning from sympathy and support to visions of clouds of hot gases rising in certain places. And how the G8 (Read US) $50 billion in guilt bribery could be put to better use on more Raptors, Tomahawks, Cruisers, Spies and more of These guys.
SAQLAWIYAH, Iraq – 2nd Lt. Jared Towles, center, 2nd Platoon commander, Company A, 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, points out a house to Iraqi soldiers in a village outside Saqlawiyah codenamed ‘Shadyville’ June 29. Company A personnel assisted the Iraqi Security Forces during ‘Operation Shadyville,’ a mission that netted several suspected insurgent supporters, two improvised explosive devices, and 50 AK-47 assault rifles.
Instead, I will link to the saner and more articulate members of the 'sphere; such as this wonderful image, generated and freely shared by ayc.
Third Wave Dave provides a link to E-mail our support to Tony.
"Wretchard" at the Belmont Club has the usual insightful commentary on the latest horror, with references to Mark Steyn and Christopher Hitchens in Slate
Merri muses and links to Mad Dog Vinnie.
Not entirely unrelated, Stop the ACLU has a new design up and is always worth a visit.
And just to demonstrate that I haven't come in from the fringe, I offer this, on another facet of the struggle, and those to come.
Most Brits I know would be horrified and offended with that flag graphic.
Posted by: tiger | 07/23/2005 at 12:37 AM
I have heard no other source mention that, but I believe that most will understand our position with respect to their losses and their situation.
Posted by: Mr.Kurtz | 07/23/2005 at 08:32 PM