How fast innocence fades when you are looking the other way. At one moment, a great city goes about it's business; tending to the commerce that is the life blood of a free nation and celebrating life and a new toy, an expensive and grandiose spectacle seven years in the future.
But now, it is time to do the work that will ensure that future. More than ever, the political leaders and the people's representatives must understand that as the enemy will not give up, they must be defeated, and defeated totally. And it is time for the United States of America to make clear that we stand with those who stand with us, and that we reward our friends, not those who stand aside and at best, watch.
So Tony, a salute to you and a hope for the British nation to remember the courage and the fortitude displayed during the dark days of 1940 and 1941.
A further word to the appeasers everywhere, or those just too stupid to realize that it's not just someone else's problem.