It's a shame to strike a sour note into this glorious morning, but the bottom feeders are with us always. In contrast to the quiet professionalism of the NASA personel and their narrative, MSNBC mounts a campaign of if, if, if, and but, but, but. Led by their carrion-eater-in-chief, Brian Williams, the station can hardly wait for another cataclysm.
It is reminiscent of the general wish for failure and destruction among the press. As Sissy Willis covered yesterday and this post on Sunday on the BBC program "The Power of Nightmares", positing that Al Queada and terrorism are a figment of our (read Bush/Blair) imaginations, these organizations have a positive death-wish. That would be just fine if they kept it to themselves; they should get what they want. It would certainly clear the air - and lots of nice co-ops.
As I was watching the TV, praying for the astronauts, I found myself yelling at the screen. I wanted to hear what the people who know what they're talking about tell me! I don't it explained by some idiot reporter. I wouldn't pretend to tell anyone I know what was happening. How rude.
Great article. It's nice to see you writing! :)
Posted by: Rosemary | 07/26/2005 at 01:01 PM
Thanks for the comment. If your machine supports Real Player or Windows Media Player, and I'm sure it does, you can always watch NASA TV at:
Posted by: Mr.Kurtz | 07/26/2005 at 03:19 PM